
Group reflection questions
Group reflection questions

In our master level course, students got green light to put their protocol to practice if their teachers deemed their protocol of sufficient specificity, relevance, and feasibility. Key in this exercise is that they translate their insights about their behaviour into a concrete, feasible learning goal that they can work on through making a small-scale intervention in a single meeting or context. You can use this template to create a learning activity around learning goals and learning protocols.

group reflection questions

In order to stimulate collaborators to translate their reflections about their behaviour into behavioural change, you can have them define learning goals and learning protocols. In complement to the video, this article can be shared with collaborators in interdisciplinary teamwork to further their understanding of their behaviour and its effect on the collaboration and integration in their team. It provides a detailed description of behaviours in interdisciplinary teamwork and competencies for knowledge integration. The theoretical underpinnings can be found in the article: ' Epistemic stability and epistemic adaptability: interdisciplinary knowledge integration competencies for complex sustainability issues'. We invite and encourage educators and managers of interdisciplinary research projects to use our materials in their own educational or research context. You use the reflection exercises prior to and/or after watching the video to let them get started with applying these concepts to their own practice. You let the team that you guide watch the video which introduces four typical behaviours. The tool consists of a video and different exercises to spark individual and group reflection that you can use in your education or in interventions for teamwork in research.

group reflection questions

Becoming aware of behaviours can be a first step towards making a behavioural change and improving the teamwork.

group reflection questions

When you work with interdisciplinary teams, you will notice that people can exhibit different types of behaviours that affect collaboration and integration.

Group reflection questions