The 1962 cooperative eduation program included Frank Burgett, front row, at right, a Lander native.Īnd life support equipment like the backpacks worn on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon on July 20, 1969.Īrmstrong, visible in the reflection on Aldrin’s visor, takes a picture of Aldrin during the extra-vehicular activity (EVA) on the lunar surface. If that’s not difficult enough, you’ll only have 15 seconds to identify objects in luggage.NASA photo This is an image of Buzz Aldrin’s bootprint from the Apollo 11 mission. Factoring in color representation makes this even more complex. All of these make it difficult to recognize specific items. The first thing that trips people up is the fact that objects can intersect, overlap, and are displayed in strange angles. This is definitely the section that causes the most problems so let’s look at some of the factors that make it so difficult. The TSA test is considered to be quite difficult due to the complexities of identifying x-rays and the strict time limit imposed. If you finish before time’s up, then use the remaining minutes to review the test. While you should read through every answer before finalizing it, don’t start second guessing yourself. In most cases, the first answer that pops into your mind is correct. Be confident in your first impression of a question.This goes hand-in-hand with the above tip and helps you build the confidence to tackle difficult questions. Stress makes it more difficult for your mind to recall information. If you panic, then your test results will be much worse. Also stay hydrated and eat a healthy breakfast on the morning of the exam. Always get plenty of rest the night before the test.There is no penalty for incorrect answers so guess if you’re unsure.Even if you’re unsure, you at least have a better chance of guessing correctly. Since the TSA test is multiple choice, you can eliminate obvious incorrect answers.Some questions will test your attention to detail. Don’t stop halfway through and assume the ending. Always read the entire question before looking at the answers.It helps you hone in your focus on the upcoming test rather than frantically stumbling through the beginning of the test. Always plan to arrive early so you can settle into the testing environment before the test begins.If you’re not prepared, then you know where to focus your studies. This is the single most important tip because it shows your level of preparedness for the real test. The first tip is to take several TSA practice tests before the real one.Keep in mind that these items might be packed at weird angles. TSA associates must prove their capacity to identify items from an x-ray so look for an outline in colors to determine the item in question. Red identifies materials with low density including fabrics and paper.This is a warning color to signals TSA representatives to pay close attention because drugs and bombs often show up as orange due to their composition. Orange identifies biological items like food, drinks, and even materials like rubber.Soft plastics (like a water bottle for example) and other similar alloys generally show up as green rather than blue. Green represents other items that are made from lower density materials.You can generally distinguish these items from others by their shape. Blue typically identifies harder materials like batteries, firearms, sunglasses, and hard plastic.The basic premise is that items with a higher density will be bluer while lighter items tip to the red side of the scale. Let’s review some of the basics of color detection in x-rays.

While it might sound like simple memorization, it also requires a certain level of logical deduction. You’ll be tasked with identifying the meaning of different colors found in x-rays. This is the section that the majority of individuals report as the most challenging. There will be some passages that are written correctly as signified by the option “no correction needed.” X-Ray Interpretation Assessment In short, you’ll be reading sentences or passages and then tasked with identifying mistakes. Prepare by studying all language skills to ensure you’re ready to meet the challenges represented in this section.